June 2019

June 2019

Circuit Road or more affectionately known as "Aljunied Zap Lao (10-storeys)" is an old neighbourhood with a large elderly population. Many of them live alone in poor conditions and are unable to feed themselves financially. Along Circuit Road is Kang Kar Noodles, a small eatery that serves minced fish noodles. On one of its interior walls are two corkboards where underprivileged elderly can retrieve food and beverage vouchers donated by the public, to fill their empty stomachs. The board for food was empty when I visited the eatery on several occasions so I purchased a total of 50 meal vouchers throughout the month.

Project RICE+ is an annual community service project of the Singapore Red Cross, aimed at touching the lives of less fortunate families in Singapore. First phase of the project is the collection of donation from the public in the month of June. One can donate in multiples of SGD 10 for beneficiaries to receive bundles of rice, dried food and other daily necessities. We contributed 10 bundles, which will be distributed on 20 & 21 July 2019. Volunteers of Project RICE+ work with various Family Service Centres throughout Singapore to identify the list of beneficiaries.

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